We left very early in the morning that day, and really, the sky was so pretty it almost made me cry
Hari itu tidak ada kata adjective lain selain satu: bahagia. I was so, so, extremely so happy that day. Saya sangat sangat sangat bahagia sekali sampai yang katanya kami terbang selama satu jam tapi yang saya rasakan hanya sekitar 20 menit. Saya bahagia sekali. Is that terms enough to ensure you how happy I was that day?
Even only in my dreams, I've never dreamed about trying Hot Air Balloon. My ultimate goal was skydiving. Yes, yang lompat dari pesawat itu terus jatuh terjun bebas beberapa detik terus baru parasutan. Sok berani lol. I don't know when it's gonna be true, yang penting aku mau sky diving!!! As soon as possible!
Tapi, manusia memang bisa berencana, hanya Tuhan-lah yang bisa menentukan :')
Wait, this is how I express my feeling for Turkey from the deepest of my heart: OH! MY! GODNESS! TURKEY IS BEYOND EXPECTATION I TELL YOU. SKIP ENGLAND, SKIP EUROPE, SKIP AMERICA, SKIP SOUTH KOREA, JUST COME TO TURKEY AND WITNESS EVERYTHING. Turkey is blessed, really.
I was only there for a week. I went there with a group tour so I didn't expect much, since everything is already set up. "Ah, there won't be anything spectacular then," pikir si Nerissa yang polos.
Manusia memang sukanya berperasangka, namun Tuhan selalu mempunyai banyak rahasia yang luar biasa hebatnya.
On my fourth day, after such a long, long bus trip from Kusadasi to Cappadocia the day before, we finally witnessed another amazing masterpiece that ever created, that ever existed by The One and Only The Greatest.
Pagi itu kami berangkat dari hotel pagi-pagi buta, dingin membeku. Sekitar -5 meskipun salju tidak turun. I was well-prepared with quarter layers of clothes. Empat lapis dan teteup membeku dong. Di jemput sama operator balon udara jam setengah enam dan harus nunggu di stasiun beberapa saat, tunggu kabar dari pemerintah apa kami diizinkan untuk terbang atau enggak.
Only around 10 minutes, we are informed that we are finally able to fly!
Langsung jalan ke TKP lagi with the mini van, dan it felt a bit weird how the view, the ground, the nature, basically everything, looked like.
Like, what are they made of? Why it feels like we are in the deserted land? Wait, what are those again? Rocks? Massive rocks? That makes they look like mountains of rocks? Seriously. Turkey's nature is blessed by God.
Waited for around thirty minutes until balonnya selesai ditiup, atau dikembangkan. Entahlah. We finally went inside the giant basket and super ready to fly!
Alhamdulillahirrabillalamin. I can say that Cappadocia is definitely one of the biggest things that ever happened to me in my entire life. Saya nggak akan pernah lupa senyuman yang nggak pernah lepas dari kedua sudut bibir saya sepanjang hari itu. Saya nggak akan pernah lupa rasanya melihat semua kebesaranNya yangs saat itu sedang terpampang di depan mata saya. The dream I don't have to close my eyes for. Dan ditambah lagi, I could witness this with my mom. She was so happy too :') This has been one of her dreams for so long and the last time she went to Turkey she didn't come to Cappadocia.
"Which of the favors of your Lord would you deny?" (QS Ar-Rahman)
This is our balloon! And I think Mr Sedo, our local guide, did such a great job taking this picture with his phone!
Buat saya, setiap kali saya pergi ke tempat yang baru, saya nggak pernah berpikiran cuma untuk pamer-pameran. Bukan cuma datang, foto sana-sini supaya bisa di upload dan yaudah selesai.
I always want to learn at least one new thing in every journey.
Dan kali itu, I learned one simple thing. Saya belajar satu hal sederhana. Sederhana dan kayaknya sih sering dilupakan semua orang.
My pilot was a young brave woman, her name is Saphira. I don't know much about hot air balloon, but I'm pretty sure this is also a difficult job once can handle. She was asked, "Aren't you afraid? This isn't easy, right, driving a hot air balloon? Only depends on wind movement and the fire there?"
Then she answered, "No, honestly. This has been my dream job and I'm so happy that I finally made it."
Klise banget, nih. Tapi, emang semuanya berawal dari mimpi yah. Dan bukan gengsi. Her actual dream that she's been dreaming for years isn't only a dream anymore. And she said, she is so happy.
Then, what did actually I learn from her?
Happiness starts from ourselves. we choose your happiness. We are the only one who can choose between being happy, or being pathetic. And also, we are the only one who can build our own dream. Ourselves. Not everyone else. And that soon will bring the happiness into our life.
I remind myself again, for not to live by the opinion of other people. Not to impress people. Live happily, like, very very very happy. And make the people you love happy.
well, for this one, the pic is pretty blurred but still... he took one really great shot :')
Akhir-akhir ini, kata bahagia itu yang paling sering saya gunakan ke orang-orang terdekat saya. "Jangan lupa bahagia, ya."
Karena, menjadi bahagia itu penting. We deserve to live in this world peacefully, and happily. Dan bahagia nggak hanya bisa di dapat dari hal-hal yang besar aja. Because most of people think happiness comes from one big thing, so they forget the tiny little things around us matter too.
Morning air. Read Holy Quran. Praying and talking to your God. Walk. Good books. Cozy blanket. Conversation with the loved ones. Hot chocolate or coffee. Meeting old friends. Writing. Your mother. Your father. Your family. Your pet.
They're happiness too. :)
Buat saya, melihat tempat baru itu seperti belajar. Kita ini cuma butiran debu kecil ditengah padang pasir yang ditiup juga udah hancur, kita nggak tau apa-apa, dan dunia ini begitu luas, luas luaaaas sekali sampai-sampai setiap kita datang ke tempat yang baru, kita malah merasa makin banyak hal yang kita nggak tau.
the happiest me.