Life Update: Letter to 2017

You guys. It's December already. Crazy, isn't it?
I don't want to sound so cliche, but this year has passed so freaking fast I remember I just turned 22 yesterday, but now I'm almost 23. Crazy. Crazy.

And anyways, just like real writers who got their own writer-blocks; I had my own too. That's why I've been abandoning this blog which once I liked so much I never spent a day without opening it. But here I'm back again, trying to gather all of my old self to write.

My life was once a wreck-ship.
Last September, I was finally back to university. For those who might not know, I'm a medical student. I graduated with Bachelor of Medicine last April and I supposed to begin my hospital rotation right away in May, but I decided to take a break for a semester. Why? Because, well, long story short, my parents almost got divorce around that time. I have to admit this, because the hell no, you can say my life is wonderful because I got to travel all the time, but no. No. The reality is that everyone has their own story. This year has been the toughest. 

Remember my eurotrip last May? I had to admit again that it was a runaway trip from reality. Hahahaha yes you can laugh, let's laugh together. 

I even almost decided to leave uni without continuing the hospital rotation, which means that I can't have my 'dr' title, and has been preparing for master degree in UK. Believe it or not, I enrolled to IELTS course, studied for hours and visited a few education agent so then I was going to start my Master in September. It sounds so crazy, like I was running away. Back then I said, 'No - I'm not running away. This is what I feel is right for me. I have to do this. Being a doctor is no longer my dream."
Now, everytime I remember it, all I know for sure that I just lost my path. The future I've dreamt was no longer to be seen and it felt like my castle just crumbled overnight (Taylor's lyrics is just so fit here). 
But, as you can guess, Allah knows what best. 

And I'm forever thankful that I decided to go back to uni. 

My rotation begins in two weeks.
It's just a day after christmas. And I will start in anesthesia department. I'm sooo excited, and nervous, but mostly so excited all at the same time. 
I never regret that I will graduate six months later than the original time, because do we all have our own timezone, don't we?

I got a kitten.
Her name is Alaska. She's so unbelievably adorable. She's now three months old and she just can't stop following me around. I used to really dislike cats, I jumped everytime a cat walking towards me - but I don't know. I guess I have this resolution of 2018 that I wanted to change most of everything in my life. Then I decided to get a kitten. 

December 13.
Taylor Swift turned 28 today. Wow, I still remember vividly ten years ago I was reading a teen magazine about Taylor Swift's 18 birthday party.

Good things. So many good things.
My parents. My new group of friends, who already felt like my own second family. Rainy days. Hours spent reading good books. Many days without Instagram. Being grateful. Him.

"He does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear. And one day, you may look back and think to yourself, 'Alhamdulillah it didn't go the way I wanted to' because you may have been blessed with something so much better."

Be Extra.

Like that stranger who holds the door for you at the cafe you previously bought your coffee at.

Like that stranger who asks you if you're okay when they see your face looking all pale.

Like that stranger who smiles at you when you both realized are reading the same book.

Like that stranger who stands up and decides to give you a seat on the train.

Don't you know how much you can change someone's bad day into a happier one or even someone's happy day into the perfect one?

Be extra.

The Controller

One of the things that make our lives miserable is when we try to control everything.
You wont understand everything that's going on in life.
He has a plan and He knows how to bring the good out of it.
Keep going and try to be grateful.
Without gratitude, patience is impossible and without patience, happiness and success is impossible.

Vienna with Dilara

Finally, Vienna!
A city I've truly been dreaming about ever since I read and watched Nodame Cantabile almost a decade ago. Sungguhan ibukota musik klasik yang super classy!

Kunjungan ke Vienna yang ini 10x menjadi lebih exciting karena aku akhirnya ketemu lagi dengan teman lama aku semasa sekolah di London, Dilara!
Rasanya sepanjang perjalanan dari Praha ke Vienna agak lebih excited dan berdebar-debar gitu, dan benar aja begitu sampai di terminal dan akhirnya ketemu Dilara, hahaha we both were freaking out!
We screamed and we hugged and we laughed so much, it was so funny!
It's been five years since we last met with each other and no wonder tho! 

Banyak alasan yang membuat aku jatuh cinta banget sama Vienna. 

  • Vienna bersih. Bersiiiih banget. Selain bersih, kotanya juga lebih tertata rapi dan elegan. Jadi, kalo dibandingin sama Paris yaaa, jomplang banget. Ibarat Paris itu Pasar Santa, Vienna ya Farmer's Market atau Food Hall. 
  • Transportasi umum yang bersih dan super nyaman. Menurut aku agak mirip dengan metro di Berlin, tapi untuk harganya yang 14euro untuk dua hari dengan fasilitas yang bersih dan nggak bau pesing, itu very worth-it enough
  • Diverse! People of colour! Aku nggak ada ekspektasi kalo akan ada banyak banget imigran di Vienna, dan begitu aku masuk metro dan melihat sekeliling, dan benar aja banyak banget orang-orang dengan paras middle-east
  • Muka Mozart dimana-mana. I mean, padahal Salzburg lebih bisa dibilang kotanya Mozart secara doi lahir disana. Tapi, benar-benar negara musik klasik, ya!

Tapi ya nggak bisa dipungkiri juga kalo Vienna itu kota yang terbilang cukup mahal. Kayak untuk makan di restoran, beli magnet kulkas atau gantungan kunci, bahkan beli-beli jajanan di supermarket agak berasa mahalnya. 
But still, Vienna is such a lovely city afterall.

Menurut aku, tiga hari di Vienna sudah cukup untuk explore tempat-tempat turistik yang bisa dikunjungi, karena kota ini nggak seperti London atau Paris yang kayaknya nggak abis-abis tempat yang bisa dikunjungi.

Di hari pertama begitu aku sampai di Vienna, aku nggak kemana-mana. Sampe di apartemen Dilara yang super airy dan klasik dan nyaman dan lucu dan ugh anything I could ask for if I'll ever be able to settle down in Europe, kita istirahat sebentar dan langsung ke supermarket untuk belanja makan malam. 
Besoknya Dilara nemenin aku keliling Scohnbrunn Palace, St. Peter Church, Hundertwasserhaus, Austrian National Library, Volksgarten dan downtown-nya yang aku lupa namanya itu. Terus kita juga agak setengah mati cari Wiener Schnitzel yang halal, karena rata-rata pasti terbuat dari babi. Tapi, akhirnya nemu juga yang terbuat dari ayam dan meskipun agak mahal, tapi enakkkk banget! Apalagi dipaduin pake nasi yang aku curiga impor dari Timur Tengah haha sumpah enak banget. Saking enaknya, pas pulang ke Indo aku kepikiran dan kepingin makan lagi dan ada dong yang jual di Grand Indo (lupa nama restorannya)! Ohya, kita juga sempat lihat-lihat Weekend market yang jual barang-barang bekas. Tapi kalo kata Dilara sih, "They're just simply selling junks!"

Terus besok harinyaaa, karena Dilara nggak enak badan akhirnya aku memutuskan untuk jalan-jalan sendiri. 
Dan apalah artinya di Vienna tanpa datang ke The Prater
Pasti yang udah nonton Before Sunrise punya obsesi sendiri untuk datang ke taman bermain legendaris itu. Dan benar aja dong, itu taman bermainnya simpel banget. Nggak ada heboh-heboh macam Disneyland, bahkan kalo bisa dibilang mah mirip banget sama taman bermain di pasar malam. 

Setelah dari Prater, aku jalan menuju downtown lagi dan foto-foto aja sampe puas dan ketemu sama teman baru dari Couchsurfing, Jakob.
Waktu itu kita ketemu di depan St. Peter Church dan langsung cus ke kafe dan duduk disana berjam-jam untuk cerita. Suka! Doi pintar dan wawasannya luaaas banget. Dia juga udah tinggal di berbagai negara, dan ini yang aku suka dari orang-orang Couchsurfing. Open-minded and well-spoken.
Kita cerita dari sejarah kota Vienna, cerita dia selama tinggal di Beijing dan Mesir dan rencana jalan-jalannya di Jepang. Apalah aku ini yang masih bau bawang nggak ngerti tentang dunia.
But he asked a lot about things too to me! Indonesia kayak apa, Jakarta kayak gimana dan sebagainya. 
Sampe saking serunya terus nggak ngeh kalo udah tiga jam lewat duduk di kafe, akhirnya aku bilang kalo Dilara nungguin aku di apartemennya. It was a really really good talk!

Malam itu aku dan Dilara akhirnya memutuskan untuk jalan-jalan aja dan duduk di riverside sambil minum-minum. Ofkors aku minumnya coke dong hahaha.

That evening was cold, but I liked it so much. We talked and talked and talked. Talked about this and that and this and that and finally we looked at our phones and it was 10 PM already. It was so weird how it's been five years since our London time. It was so weird how people are connected with each other. I basically live at the opposite of the world, but Dilara made me feel like home in Vienna. It was both so weird and funny. I don't think I'll ever stop bragging about how London changed my life, but that how my life really is.

Dilara <3
The sky that evening. 

Bonus: Dilara's cute and dreamy apartment! 

Just, be kind though.

"Ever in doubt whether I should help my friend or not?

What about, just don't think about it?
Because somehow someday, God will eventually repay everything you did in His own way though.

Imagine being in their shoes. Imagine if YOU are the one that needs help.

Perhaps the reason you are breathing right now is because of a pile of kindness you did one by one earlier.
You'll never know.

PS: and whether those people receiving your kind attention would be thankful or not, that doesn't matter. Don't stop just because people don't react the way you expect it to be."


This morning I stumbled upon a post that's worth everything to make this blog coming back alive once again. To the girl who has written this through LINE app, thank you. Thank you.

I (Almost) Got Scammed by the Gypsies in Berlin

I arrived in Berlin at around 6:30 in the morning after my ten-hour bus journey from Amsterdam. It was very tiring, obviously, and it was very cold once I arrived at Alexanderplatz. 

Constant Reminder

"It does not do to dwell on the past
forget to live."

Postcards From Prague

"If European cities were a necklace, Prague would be a diamond among the pearls."

London, August 7th

I've been feeling so miserable these days. I miss London, I always missed London. And then I decided to read my journal and flipped through the page of last summer entry.
I read it.
I regretted it.
My heart.

Journal: Keukenhof Flower Garden

I actually didn't plan to visit this garden at first. I know that Keukenhof happens only a month during Spring every year, so I'm this lucky to be able to come to Amsterdam during Spring time when the garden is open. But, I thought this would be too touristy and I only got three days in Amsterdam, why don't I use the last day properly to explore every bits and hidden gems in the city?

Journal: in Amsterdam

I must say that Amsterdam has come to the first place of my favorite cities among all the cities I've visited during this journey. And why is that?

Traveling around Europe with Flixbus: Interflix Review

As you might noticed, I traveled around Europe using Flixbus last month, specifically the Interflix pass.

Journal: In Rotterdam

I love Rotterdam. I really do.
Maybe if you ask me which was my favorite city among all cities I've visited, Rotterdam will be on the top three of the list.

30 Hari Keliling Eropa: Mahasiswa-Friendly!

I decided to write this post about a bit detailed information about my Eurotrip in Bahasa, because I think this will be useful for those Indonesians who's planning to do their own Eurotrip on budget. So, here you go.
30 hari solo traveling di Eropa yang sangat impulsif ini berawal di suatu hari di Bulan Januari, waktu itu aku lagi suntuk-suntuknya ujian dan segala kemonotonan hidup sebagai mahasiswa kedokteran dan beberapa hal lain yang bener-bener bikin stress, tiba-tiba aku nerima Email dari Qatar Newsletter Subscription yang menyatakan bahwa mereka sedang mengadakan Global Sale sampai 40% OFF. 

Letter to May

Dear May,

You've been wonderful.
You were a lot of stories, a lot of lessons and also a lot of memories - all worth of lifetime.

A Month in Europe Journal: Paris

  • Back in Paris again after two years and a half, this time I come with the pure intention to travel. I found a very good deal for a return ticket to Paris and I didn't think very long to finally book one for me. It was actually a very impulsive decision, but until now, as I'm writing this in my cool airbnb apartment in Prague, I know I had made a very great decision. 
  • I was sooo scared since a month before the departure day. "Will a month be too long?". "I will be alone the whole time, can I survive?" , "What if I can't navigate the cities well later since most people don't speak English???" I was close to resechedule my ticket, but since it was waaay too expensive, I couldn't do that. But, now, I'm beyond thankful that I still have another fifteen days here in Europe.
  • I arrived in Paris safely in the afternoon and I went straight to my Airbnb apartment in St. Georges, which was only 10 minutes walk both to Lafeyette and Moulin Rouge (!!!) and the day was still cold I needed to put another sweater on. And Paris feels like an old friend, it was so good to be back. 
  • The apartment I stayed in was the Parisian apartment I've always dreamt of. The classic Haussmanian building that has that majestic front gate and once you step inside the gate, there will be a square overlooking the residences, complete with the cobblestoned alley. Upon arrival, I was greeted by the security man and though he couldn't speak English, we talked with gestures and laughed together lol. 
  • I was beyond tired after such a long flight I fell asleep once I touched the bed.
  • First day in Paris, I explored the city all by myself. It was raining and cold, I decided to see Notre Dame again because I like this one better than Eiffel haha. There is just something so beautiful and magical with this old church and it was also because I wanted to go back to Shakespeare & Co again. Spent there for half an hour, but ended up not buying.
  • I walked along Sorbonne area and stopped by Abbey Bookshop to get myself a copy of The Secret History, I was so happy to finally able getting myself one, BUT which one was the idiot to leave the book in the bus?????? Me.
  • After hours of walking around Sorbonne and I couldn't find Merci, I decided to go back home. But mostly, to be honest, because I felt sad to be alone that day haha.
  • The next day, I checked my Couchsurfing account and talked with this cool girl from Columbia , Alexa, who was also in town by herself. Decided to meet up at 11 in Montmartre, and we explored the city together. I was beyond happy meeting her. She was already so friendly in the beginning and we just talked a lot about everything.
  • We talked about her journey in Central Europe for the past month as Paris was her final stop. It was so fun and we also talked about Muslim culture as she had no idea about most of things as I also learned about Columbian cultures and history. Alexa is my first Couchsurfing friend, she was so friendly and smart and open-minded and because of meeting her, I always want to meet another one from the community during this trip.
  • We decided to do a Parisian picnic by the Eiffel Tower. I was soooo excited since I always wanted to do that!!! We grabbed baguettes, cheese ( a lot of them!), hummus, meat, some drinks and some other things from the local market and went straight to Champ de Mars because we were just so hungry.
  • After lunch we went up to Arc du Triomphe but the weather was too bad. 
  • The next day, we decided to spend the day together again as I was leaving for Rotterdam that night. This time the weather was super nice, we went for lunch in Jardin du Luxemburg. It was such a nice experience, everyone was out enjoying the sun. It always makes me so happy spending the time in the park. I know it's just a little thing, but isn't it that little thing that makes something special?
  • While enjoying our little picnic, Alexa and I talked further about Muslim culture here. Until she asked me how to wear hijab and she wanted me to put her scarf on her head. I felt both suprised and a bit surprised, but she said she really wanted to try it. 
  • The day before, I told her about how I was scared to wear hijab in Paris. This is Nerissa being honest. If you see the picture above, the one by the Eiffel Tower, I wore a winter hat because I was that scared to wear hijab since there was a shooting accident in the city two weeks ago. I told her about my worries, and that became the reason she was so interested in Muslim culture as she asked many things about the religion.
  • Back in the park again, I put the hijab on her head and she said it was so pretty she liked it. We took a lot of selfies as I was also wearing one, and she suddenly said that she wanted to walk around the city while wearing it. I was a bit confused, is she really sure? So then we walked around for an hour with our hijab on!
  • "Do you see, Nerissa? We're wearing this around and there is nobody looking at us! I know maybe you had this bad experience about people who stared at you badly just because you're wearing it, but not everyone behave that way."
  • I was so glad meeting and spending the whole two days in Paris with Alexa. I know I must not have felt this way, being scared for what I wear, but she helped through this. I gained a lot more confidence and I'm sure that was the way He told me that I'm loved. Forever loved.
  • Some of people may think I was too much, overthinking about my hijab. Maybe I was, but it was because I was only on my own this time. If only I'm traveling with someone else with me, I wouldn't be this scared. 
  • But, again, the time I spent in Paris with Alexa was totally the highlight and I'll treasure it forever.

Month in Europe

My first week back in Europe again. I felt super insecure before coming back here because I thought,
"isn't a month too long?" but then nothing is too long when you're on a trip. Even six months would feel like just a blink of eye.
This is already my first weekend of this month and I'm already at Rotterdam right now. The life has been filled with so many surprises and I really like it. Waking up to way too many new things and I've been meeting a lot of cool people this past week. Had many to write here, but I'll do that later.

There's one thing I really wish from this trip that I will really use this opportunity very very wisely. I will make every single day counts and meet new people as many as I can.

I'm 22 & Still Learning

1. Everyone has their own way on expressing their affection toward the people they love. Yes, you can straightforwardly say you love them and hug them every single minute to show how much you love them. But, it doesn't mean they are capable to do that too. Their silence could be the way telling you they like/love you.

2. Parents are not selfish. Children are selfish. But, parents can be selfish too.

3. Don't be obsessed with something too much. Stop wanting something too much.

4. People can't mind-read. Especially boys. I should've known that. Better tell them right on their face about what's bothering you rather than waiting for decades for them to notice.

5. No one knows you better than yourself and God. People could say, "You better do this. You better be that." NO. You know yourself better. You know what you want. You know who you want to be.

6. Always trust your instinct.

7. Be present. Always be present. You have no idea how much you've missed when you're focussed regretting your past and too much planning out your future.

8. Don't splurge. When you know you have a bit more money, save some just in case.

9. Never trust anything without double-check, or even triple, on the media.

Letter to March

Dear March,

You've been a lot of surprises. 

2017 Euro Trip Bucketlist

In May this year, Insha Allah, I'll be flying out again for a whole month to Europe. 
I scored a very affordable return ticket to Paris and from Paris earlier this year and the more I starred at my laptop screen back then and thought, "Life is nothing but endless of choices and opportunities." and without further hesitation, voila, the ticket was confirmed and sent into my mail inbox.
I have to admit though, I had that kind of fear and insecurities flooding all over me for a few days - I was scared that I might made a stupid decision about going to Europe for a whole month when I actually will have to go for my 18-months clinical rotation this year.

10 Alternative Things To Do in London

You're in London, but done Big Ben, Trafalgar Square, Oxford Street and Portobello Market but still want some more?

Here's a few more ideas of Alternative Things To Do in London as I actually made this bucket list for myself.
You're welcome.

Guide to Instagram Famous London's Secret Mews

It's no secret that London has endless thing to offer. There are always some new things to do and it will never stop. I've spent almost half of the 2012 in the city, but still I didn't manage to conquer every single thing! It happened as well to Mary, my Airbnb host last summer said that even she's been living in the Big Smoke for 15 years, she said "There is always something new to do!"

Afternoon tea in sketch London

I forgot when and where did I find this gem, was it on Instagram or was it on Tumblr or when I was blogwalking from here to there; I just fell in love instantly.

Paris Bucket List

I've heard once about one saying that if you haven't been to Paris yet, though you have been to Amsterdam or Berlin or any other city - that means you have never been to Europe at all. Quite funny, but I think it's true somewhat. Well, afterall, this is the city of light. I'm an Angliophile and I've been to England for three times (considering the fact that I live in South East Asia and the ticket always costs a fortune), but I can say that strolling through Seine river is far more giving you that feels compared to strolling through the Thames river. But, Paris is not only about Seine, obviously. Or Eiffel Tower. In fact, it's waaay more than that.

My Current Favorite Travel Instagrammers

Instagram by far, is the only social media I've been using for the longest time in regular basis. I still remembered I started to create my personal account before I flew for London in 2012 and I've never had stopped scrolling through it ever since, for real. That account is getting more addictive and addictive as years passed by, especially when I started creating my travel account last year (so, I will no longer getting comments on my personal account 'where are you AGAIN now?') and I saw people with amazing photography talent I keep wondering why people are so creative out there.

The good thing is, the travel photography community on Instagram motivates me a lot to learn more about photography and editing process. It's a really good thing.